Yoga is for everyone

Whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced yogi, at Saktiisha we have a variety of lessons to meet your needs. Yoga is more than the physical practice. It is about balance between body and mind. Whether you come for peace of mind, relaxation or to build up strength and flexibility, we are happy to advice the right class for you. For each class on our schedule we have indicated the level.

Do you prefer private lessons? For yourself or with someone else. Private lessons for groups are also possible. We’d like to discuss the possibilities with you.



Check our frequently asked questions here.

Yoga styles and levels


Lessons for beginners and more experienced yogis who want to take it easy. As a result, the pace is lower.

All levels */**/***

These classes are suitable for both yogis who have been practicing yoga for a long time and are familiar with the postures and for those who have just started. The teacher will offer alternative options in postures.


In general, these classes are more active and/or dynamic for which some yoga experience is desired.

First Time?

Do you have little or no experience? Then we advise you to follow theintroduction to yoga course with us.

Gentle styles

Gentle Hatha, Mindfulness Yoga, Hatha, Sivananda



Ashtanga Vinayasa Flow, Hataha Flow, Pilates & Yoga, Yang Yin


Special classes

Yoga for Women & Balance, Prenatal Yoga, Hatha Yoga / Intregrale Yoga for Beginners, Moon Meditations

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Although Ashtanga Yoga is the eightfold path of yoga, it has also been developed into a specific yoga tradition. This tradition encompasses all aspects of yoga within any other yoga tradition. It is sometimes also called Patanjali Yoga because it is based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (400 BC).

The Ashtanga series

The specific yoga tradition of Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic form of Hatha Yoga. It is a pratice that consists of a total of six different series: Primary, Intermediate and the 4 Advanced series. A series consists of a series of asanas that are practiced for five breaths each. Most often, the uyajji breathing (ocean breath) is applied.

Each series builds on the latter – and builds towards more advanced postures. The fact that the series is set makes it ideal for people who like routine. Once practitioners are familiar with the series, they can turn their attention inwards. They no longer need to go out with the attention to find out which attitude is next. Moreover, the progress of each series on the previous one makes it ideal for people who like to develop and improve their practice.

Ashtanga Yoga instructors are trained to personalize the practice for every yogi in the class according to their respective level.

Ashtanga learning styles

In the Ashtanga tradition you will find two learning styles: guided (LED) and Mysore. LED lessons are guided by an instructor throughout the lesson. In Mysore classes, students do their exercises at their own pace. The teacher is then there to advise, assist and support with adjustments.

Difficulty:** | Active: **/*** | Meditative / relaxing: **

Hatha Flow & Yin

In the Hatha Flow & Yin lessons we practice a wonderful flow of different yoga poses. You build strength and trust in the various postures.

You get the opportunity to delve into certain yin postures at the end of the lesson, which generally vary every week It offers you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and practice of yin asanas. We hold the postures a little longer than in the regular Hatha Yoga classes.

Difficulty: ** | Active: ** | Meditative / relaxing: ***