Introduction to Ayurveda

Why an introduction to ayurveda?

Ayurveda means knowledge of life. Life is in everything around us. In nature, of which we are part. The knowledge of nature is therefore the basis of ayurveda medicine.
How does nature work and how does it affect our functioning?
How can you use practical customs to give yourself the right care?
Eating, drinking, moving, sleeping, working, showering, brushing teeth are activities we do in our daily lives.
With the application of ayurveda you can make these activities fit your need for care.

In this workshop you will learn more about ayurveda and practical tips and tools for everyday use.


In these workshops by Carla van Dijk of Ayuryoga Netherlands,we will investigate:

  • Ayurveda base

  • Practical tips and tools for everyday life

  • Handout afterwards

    After the close you can get more information about follow-up courses at Saktiisha and Ayuryoga Netherlands.

    The course is offered in Dutch.
    This workshop is offered in collaboration with Ayuryoga Netherlands.



Data Introduction to Ayurveda 2021

Date: Friday 8 January | 10.00 – 12.00

Location: Online | live stream via Zoom