Yoga Teacher Certification (YTC) - 50 hours


This is a practical training. You will learn how to teach by doing it. During the first days you will learn how to build a lesson, learn more in-depth anatomy and learn about safety and contra indications. You will be asked to work with the other students, in groups, on teaching assignments.

You will learn by observing other teachers. During the training we give you practical tools to build a beginners class and have confidence in teaching it. We will facilitate some of your internship classes to gain experience. Teaching a beginner’s class concludes with a practical exam.

Also we will guide you to shape your vision as a beginning teacher into a plan how to move on as a teacher.

Reading List

Required reading
  • Yoga Anatomy
Recommended reading
  • Your Body, Your Yoga – Bernie Clark (ISBN 978-0-96876655-3-8-52495) |
  • Anatomy Trains – Thomas W. Myers (ISBN 978-0-7020-4654-4)


This program will prepare you to introduce people to the path of yoga with confidence, presenting asana, breath awareness, basic pranayama, mantras, introduction to meditative relaxation, relaxation and understanding of what Yoga really is.

Successful graduate students will be able to present a sequence of asanas for beginners, based on the Hatha Yoga and Yoga Philosophy. They are stable and confident in sharing ways to apply philosophy in the lessons.

This program is registered with the Yoga Alliance International (YAI), as it exceeds their standards at the 500 hours level.

This allows you to register with YAI as a YAI teacher of the Saktiisha Yoga Academy.


We require that you complete the Yoga Foundation and the Yoga Personal Development programs offered by us.
We require that you practice yoga steadily with a teacher for about 2 years and have a regular and consistent self-practice. After your application has been received and reviewed, we will contact you to further discuss your participation in the program.


See our online course / training schedule or request via

Data 2021:

Data to follow


  • € 600 | 6-7 training days including mentor program and examinations


View all our prices for our training and our packages here


Fill in the registration and intake forms and return to


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Head teacher & owner Saktiihsa Yoga Academy