Ayurveda & Yoga for therapy
Are you ready for more deepening of your own yoga practice and lifestyle?
Are you ready to bring more depth to your yoga classes for your students?
Did you graduate from Saktiisha Yoga Academy for Yoga Personal Development or Yoga Teacher Certification?
With this you have a solid foundation for the next floor and development in your own Yoga practice and also to transfer it to your students.
BRIDGE YEAR TO HBO Education Ayuryoga Teacher & Therapist
Saktiisha Yoga Academy and Ayuryoga Nederland offer a bridge year for all saktiisha trainees who have completed the yoga personal development and / or yoga teacher certification. Other yoga teachers can also participate in this course after an assessment. In the bridge year to the 4 year HBO course Ayuryoga Teacher & Therapist that lasts about 6 months you will be prepared with the necessary ayurveda knowledge, basic medical knowledge and yoga from the Himalayan Yoga & Meditation tradition. With this you take the first steps in therapeutic approach to ayurveda and yoga.
This bridge year is part of the 4-year HBO training as Ayuryoga Teacher & Therapist
As a teacher and trainee of saktiisha you can get a 2-year exemption by following the bridge year of about 6 months.
In the Brugjaar it concerns 21 lesson days and 6 internship days = a total of 205 contact hours. 952 SBU(Study load) = 40 EC
This bridge year gives access to the3rd grade Ayuryoga after obtaining sufficient access. The learning lines Ayurveda, Medical Basic Knowledge and Therapeutic Education (TV) are in accordance with the attainment targets that the2nd year must meet in order to be able to enter in the3rd year.
If you have completed the yoga foundation and yoga personal development or the yoga teacher certification at saktiisha you can get an exemption for the first two years by following the bridge year.
As an experienced yoga practitioner and yoga teacher, this course is a deepening and refinement of your own practice, but also for your students.
Are you ready to take your own yoga practice and lifestyle to the next level?
Are you ready to perform more personalized yoga practice?
Ayurveda, the science of life and Yoga, the science of unity in body-mind-soul in combination with Medical Basic Knowledge. And that brought together to therapeutic application is offered as an HBO course by Ayuryoga Nederland. With the knowledge from the Saktiisha Yoga courses and a preparatory bridge year, you can enter the third year of the 4-year HBO programme.
The bridge year can also be seen as an introduction without further obligations.
Are you enthusiastic about this process?
Then come to the open day! And meet a number of teachers and learning lines such as Ayurveda, Medical Basic Knowledge, Himalaya Yoga & Meditation and Therapeutic Education.
Date: Saturday 13 March.
Time: 10:00 – 12:30
Location: Djoj Rotterdam, Antony Duyklaan 5
Sign up: savitri@saktiisha.com
Yogi’s Intensive
SYT20 hours
2 day training
online and 1 day on locatie
>>still in development
Yoga Foundation
SYT50 hours
6 day training
online and 4 days on locatie
Yoga Personal Development
SYT200 uurs
14 day training
online, 5 days on locatie, 7 days retreat
Yoga Teacher Certification
SYTT50 hours
6 day specialisation
6 days on locatie
Teachers Immersion
SYTT50 hours
6 day specialisation training
partly online
>>still in development
The following courses together form the Saktiisha Yoga Teacher Training (SYTT250-500):
Yoga Foundation + Yoga Personal Development + Yoga Teacher Certification

Saktiisha yoga workouts are based on the 8-fold path of yoga