Our teachers
The teachers each have a different background, so that saktiisha offers plenty of diversity and yoga knowledge. All of them would like to inspire you to find and maintain balance of body and mind. Together you want to inspire you to find and maintain balance of body and mind. To achieve this, we use in our lessons:
- Breathing exercises
- Meditation
- Relaxation
- Postures and exercises
Would you also like to teach at saktiisha? Send us an e-mail! We look forward meeting you.

Savitri Sattoe
yoga meditatie docent ♾ mindfulness ♾ coaching ♾ persoonlijke ontwikkeling & yoga TT trainer ♾
Savitri is owner and head trainer at saktiisha yoga academy.
I like to transfer my knowledge and experience to others. I do this through yoga and meditation classes, workshop, courses and the Hatha yoga teacher training. I myself have been practicing Yoga and Meditation for years and i still do so with great pleasure and love. There is still a lot to learn. Every time you discover a new layer, a deeper meaning of the same..
For me, practicing yoga is a means of constantly aligning with your core, from which life becomes a flow.

Kaja Kusnirova
yoga docent hatha flow
Kaja became interested in yoga since her first introduction to this art of living in 2004 during her internship in Buenos Aires. After her return to The Hague, she continued to practice independently and occasionally took LED classes. After becoming a mother (2009), the need arose to rediscover her balance and began to regard the mat as her friend for life. This is the moment she started taking regular classes in different studios. But also her own practice deepened by following various workshops in yoga, mindfulness and meditation. At this point she became aware of the ‘non-physical’ aspects of yoga and that reinforced her belief that she was moving in the right direction.
With growing passion and curiosity in yoga lifestyle and philosophy, she decided in January 2015 to follow a Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course. This was one of the best gifts she could ever give herself. In her classes she will create a space for you to explore the benefits of ‘yoga’ outside the physical aspects. And also to experience the effortless flow of life energy by increasing your consciousness of body and mind. ‘For me, yoga has become an infinite source of tools ‘to live a more present, fulfilled and joyful life and I am grateful to share this with you!’ Kaja was born and raised in Slovakia and has lived in The Hague since 2002.

Kerry Lochan
yoga docente yin
gentle hatha

Pragya Bath
yoga docent ♾ hatha flow – alignment focussed
Pragya Bhatt started practicing yoga as a way to combat health problems. These were caused by the sedentary work of a software engineer. Pragya’s lessons focus on the correct alignment in the asanas and this makes her lessons insightful, interesting and suitable for everyone.
Pragya is also the author of ‘Beyond Asanas: The Myths and Legends Behind Yogic Postures’ and is based in Bangalore, India.

Marije van Mannekes
yoga docente hatha yoga
Hoewel yoga voor Marije begon als een fysieke workout, ontdekte ze al snel dat haar stemming, mindset en openheid voor anderen positief
werden beïnvloed door yoga te beoefenen.
Vanuit haar interesse in oosterse filosofieën schreef ze zich in voor een Yoga Foundation cursus en ontdekte dat de yogafilosofie haar meer diepgang biedt in alles wat ze tegenkomt. Oorspronkelijk niet van plan om docent te
she completed the 200-hour course mainly out of curiosity and discovered that her heart is with the Hatha yoga style. ligt.
Verwonderd over haar toegenomen kracht, de energie die door het lichaam stroomt en het vermogen om deze tijdens haar practice om te
kunnen vormen, ontstond haar interesse om dit alles met anderen te delen. En zo begon ze met lesgeven.
Haar lessen zijn flowy maar zacht, gecreëerd met de bedoeling een veilige ruimte te bieden waar mensen zelfstandig hun eigen lichaam en geest kunnen verkennen. Hierbij past ze regelmatig toe wat ze tijdens haar cursus klankgenezing leerde, en brengt hiermee meditatie naar een dieper niveau. Als beoefenaar en als docent hoopt ze uiteindelijk een inspiratie voor anderen te kunnen zijn, zoals ook haar docenten haar door de jaren heen hebben
Our karma yogis
Our karma yogis are selflessly committed to saktiisha. During the studio classes they ensure that everything is neat and tidy, that tea & water is ready and welcome everyone. Would you like to become a karma yogi at saktiisha? Send us an email with your motivation. We look forward meeting you.

Maxine van der Veer
karma yogi ♾ studio host
I was first introduced to yoga when I was 15, a weekly class at the local gym. I didn’t quite like it so I thought yoga wasn’t for me. Years later in 2018 I started doing yoga as a sport and discarded the spiritual side. After practicing all different kinds of yoga, I surprisingly fell in love with the spiritual side of yoga as well and decided to make yoga part of my day to day life. Besides being a studio host at Saktiisha I am an artist and art teacher.

Zuleika Sheik
karma yogi ♾ studio host
Being away from home, yoga has allowed me to find a home within myself. I joined Saktiisha in 2016, first as a client, now as a Karma Yogi and soon as Hatha Yoga Teacher. In Saktiisha I have found a space where mind, body and spirit align through yoga allowing us to show up fully present for ourselves and for others around us. I look forward to welcoming you at one of our classes.

Iris Maillé
karma yogi ♾ studio host
When I earned my Bachelor degree in 2010 for Italian Language and Culture, I had experienced a great way of expressing my passion for languages, culture, art and creativity. But when I was introduced to Yin Yoga, in 2012, I got to know another passion! Since 2014 my home base is in The Hague, where I took more active steps on my Yoga Path, having Mindfulness as a good leading principle.
It is an ongoing challenge to be aware of physical and mental boundaries and possibilities. My wish is to dive deeper into Do-In and Yin Yoga, given my experience in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). This is what I would like to specialise myself in more.
Since my move to the city of The Hague, I am following my classes at Saktiisha Yoga Studio, where I work as a Host with a lot of dedication and gratitude. The interaction and connection with each other, the relaxation after a yoga class, mean everything to me!

Bholanand Bholai
karma yogi ♾ studio host